Cold Atom Physics

What's new !

member's photo


We all took a group photo in the research lab!


At the Gordon Research Conference held at Salve Regina University in the state of Rhode Island, USA, Prof. M. Kozuma served as the discussion leader with the topic "Quantum Control for Quantum Sensing." Additionally, on the same day during the poster session, associate professor N. Takei presented on the topic "Ultrahigh Precision Fiber-Optic Gyroscope."


Our paper on a portable gyroscope with the world's highest performance has been published in Sensors!


Specially appointed assistant professor Dr. Otabe has joined our group. Mrs. Hikichi has joined our laboratory as a new secretary. Bachelor course students Mr. Goto and Mr. Tanaka have also joined our group.


Our paper about the fiber optic gyroscope with the ultra-low angular random walk was published in IEEE Sensors Journal.


Physics Today introduced our experimental results on creating Bose-Einstein condensate of europium atoms!


Associate Prof. Tomoya Sato and Mr. Naoki Nishimura gave talks at The 5th International Forum on Quantum Metrology and Sensing / Quantum Innovation 2022.


Our paper "Bose-Einstein condensation of europium" was published in Physical Review Letters and was selected as the Editors' Suggestion and Featured in Physics (Synopsis).


Researchers from iXblue in France introduced an ultra-precise motion simulator in our laboratory!


We have submitted the paper about the fiber optic gyroscope with the ultra-low angular random walk!


We have submitted the paper about the Bose-Einstein Condensation of new atomic species, i.e., europium atoms!


Specially appointed assistant professor Dr. Kawasaki has joined our group. Bachelor course students Mr. Kaku and Ms. Nakano have also joined our group.


Dr. Miyazawa has been appointed as a specially appointed assistant professor.


We have submitted the paper about the magnetic trap of cold metastable Eu atoms!


We have successfully implemented a high-flux cold Yb atomic beam source using two-dimensional laser cooling with intercombination transition!


Quantum Navigation Unit has started!


Master course student Mr. Kobayashi has joined our group. Bachelor course students Mr. Ikeda and Mr. Nishimura have also joined our group.


We have succeeded in a narrow-line magneto-optical trap for the europium atoms!


Mrs. Sako has joined our laboratory as a new secretary.


Master course student Mr. Oshima has joined our group. Bachelor course students Mr. Nomura and Mr. Honda have also joined our group.


Prof. Kristian Helmerson in Monash University visited our laboratory!


We had a year-end party at a barbecue restaurant, MIZUSHIMA!


Prof. Kozuma gave a talk at Takasaki high school in Gunma prefecture. The title was "Quantum sensor."


Prof. Kozuma gave a talk in the Quantum ICT Forum held at Hitotsubashi Hall. The title was “The future pioneered by quantum inertial sensor technology”.


Prof. Kozuma gave a talk in the Japan-UK Workshop on Quantum Sensing and Measurement held at the British Embassy. Title was “Inertial navigation system with cold atoms” .


Researchers about quantum technologies, including Prof. Kai Bong (Director of Quantum Technology Hub for Sensors) and Dr. Joseph Cotter, visited our laboratory.


We had a meeting with group members of MY Lab in Asahi Kasei Corporation.


At the Yokohama World Porters, we had a barbecue!


Prof. Kozuma gave a talk in Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd. The title was "Application of AI gyroscope".


Prof. Kozuma gave a talk in the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). The title was "Application of inertial navigation to geodesy".


Prof. Kozuma gave a keynote talk in IoT Enabling Sensing / Network / AI and Photonics Conference 2019 (IoT-SNAP2019) at Pacifico Yokohama. The title was "Laser cooling and its application to inertial navigation".


Bachelor course students Mr. Matsubara and Mr. Matsumoto have joined our group.


Mrs. Namekawa has joined our laboratory as a new secretary. Master course students Mr. Taniguchi and Mr. Kubo have also joined our group.


Graduation theses have been updated!


We had a farewell party for Mr. Takagi, Mr. Taga, Mr. Oda, Mr. Yoshikawa and Mr. Takanashi at broiled meat restaurant, Hutaba.


We had a farewell lunch party for Mrs. Tsubaki at Italian restaurant CORNICE on Midorigaoka!


Dr. Sato Tomoya has been appointed as a specially appointed assistant professor.


Prof. Kozuma gave a talk in the Railway Technical Research Institute. Dr. Masaru Tomita gave him a tour of their facilities for his kind permission. Thank you very much!


We had a year-end party at a barbecue restaurant, MIZUSHIMA, with Assoc. Prof. Motoaki Bamba.


Assoc. Prof. Motoaki Bamba of Osaka University gave a talk in the seminar of the Advanced Research Centerfor Quantum Physics and Nanoscience.


Prof. Kozuma gave a talk in the Technical Committee on Quantum Information Technology(QIT39). The title was "Atom interferometry gyroscope and its application to geodesy."


Prof. Kozuma gave a talk at Takasaki high school in Gunma prefecture. The title was "Quantum sensor."


Our research was introduced on the website of Tokyo Institute of Technology!


Research results jointly conducted with Japan Aviation Electronics Industry was introduced at CEATEC JAPAN!


We visited Dr. Yamashita' s laboratory in Asahi Kasei Corporation.


Prof. Kozuma gave a talk in the 13th Japan-US Joint Seminar. The title was "Development of high-performance gyroscope using cold-atom interferometry."


At the Yokohama World Porters, we had a barbecue!


Mr. Miyazawa, Mr. Oda, and Mr. Takagi attended to ICAP2018 at Barcelona, Spain. Titles of posters were "Loss-rate measurement in a magneto-optical trap for metastable europium," "Magneto-optical trapping in glass cell evacuated by Non-Evaporable Getters," and "Site-resolved imaging of a fermionic Mott insulator using 173Yb", respectively.


Prof. Kozuma gave a talk in the 63rd CEMS Colloquium at RIKEN. The title was "Development of high-performance gyroscope using cold-atom interferometry."

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